Greetings and Salutations, all.
You may notice that there are significantly fewer photos, drawings, graphics, etc. I have already received a couple of emails asking, "Where's my picture?! Why am I not in the gallery any more!?!?!" Rest assured, I still have all of your submissions! Because of the difference between the way the old site was set up and the way I have set up this site, I have to manually add the pictures. Actually, I can add the pictures in large groups, but I have to manually name each image and cut'n'paste the old description back in. That is why it's taking me so long.
So please be patient!
You may notice that about one hundred old photos have been re-added to the Crow Fans Pics Gallery. I think I'm caught up to about 2004... *sighs*
Plus I'm catching a lot of photo-editing on some of those Crow Fan Photos... which I will be moving over to the Crow Fans Graphics Gallery. For future reference, submissions with a lot of editing are graphics. If all you're doing is turning it black-n-white or maybe putting your name on your graphic, I'll put that in the Pics Gallery. But if you're editing out backgrounds, doing fancy-schmancy Photoshop effects, or adding Crow make-up after the fact... that'll make your submission a graphic. Just so's you know.
So you can take this time to catch up on all the old pics, graphics, art and such. There was some pretty neat stuff back between 2000 and 2004. One of the images I added to the James O'Barr's Artwork Gallery was THE VERY FIRST CROW DRAWING EVER!!! It's got some neat Crow trivia in its description, so go check it out!
Also, I've noticed that my predecessor handled photo and graphic desciptions differently almost a decade ago. Things they are a'changin'! I will go into more detail about exactly what I need if you want me to post your submissions later. For now, I won't be putting email addresses in the description unless you SPECIFICALLY ASK ME to put your email in the description of your image. I noticed some last names in here, but I will leave them unless someone complains. Going forward, I will only attribute with your first name or your moniker. I'll go into more detail about this later... Stay tuned.
the Crow's Little Helper
PS: I expect a LOT of emails from people dressed as The Crow for Halloween this year! Do NOT let me down!!! Just send'em to the email address over there on the right! Oh... and REAL cameras, please. If your camera-phone has a decent camera, that's fine. But you really don't want a ton of low quality fodder on this site, do ya? Get out the good camera (or borrow one) for at least one shot before you go out for the night. Send me the good high-quality picture. You'll thank me later.