> James O'Barr's Artwork (Fan Contributed)

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Jon's original

Jon's original

Soon after I noticed James on eBay, I began talking with him again getting caught up as I hadn't seen him in years as the convention circuit here in Seattle took a downward spiral until Emerald City Comic Con a few years back. I noticed on James eBay page that he was offering the hardbound journals with original sketches and I saw this one and had to have it. I have now officially started this hardbound journal to be a collection of Crow sketches from other comic book artists, a "their take on the Crow" if you will. Having James work grace the beginning is great to have, and have another sketch in the works from a popular new artist, and will soon have others doing their interpretations as I meet them at conventions, store signings, etc.


Editor's Note: Getting Crow sketches from other comic artists is EXACTLY what I do with my hardbound Crow journal, too!
